Thursday, September 20, 2007

Don't read this blog here.

Sooo... basically, I don't update this ever. I only keep it for blogger blogs that use a google sign in. You should just check out my main journal at or my baby blog at instead.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Underworld snippet

They stood clustered around the crevice, peering into the darkness below.
“But you didn’t go in?”
“No, I didn’t go in. I wouldn’t have been able to come back out again.”
“So how do you know there’s a door down there?”
“I stuck my camera down in there with the flash on and took some photos.”
“We should come back with a ladder.”
“Let me see your camera. Are the photos saved on here?”
Nathan handed his sleek silver digital camera over and Bree fumbled with the buttons before pulling up several dimly lit photos of rubble and what did indeed look to be a door.
“Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?”
“We should come back with a ladder.”
It wasn’t every day that a parking lot split open, revealing a secret room and a half-hidden doorway deep within the earth। Eric poked the thick edges of asphalt, almost lips, with a broom handle he’d found lying nearby and the three nodded. They would return with a ladder and flashlights, and discover what lay behind the door.

176 words

Thursday, January 11, 2007

There are only so many hours in the day

There are only so many hours in the day, and I want to sleep through them all. I don't know why. It might be the Doxycycline I'm taking, which apprently "can cause drowsiness" where "drowsiness" equals "total, utter exhaustion." Seriously. The other day I slept 13 hours, woke up, took a 45 minute nap on the couch, then went back to bed for 3 hours. I got up in time for dinner, and N was all worried that I still looked sleepy.

I'll be finished with the drugs tomorrow. Hopefully I'll also stop wanting to sleep all the time tomorrow as well. We'll see.

Mostly, I just didn't want to be all "first post lol lol" so you get this wonderous piece of writing. Lulz.